Il Messaggero   (13 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Il Messaggero (web)

Roma Today   (13 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Roma Today (web)

Spettakolo!   (13 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Spettakolo (web)

Exhimusic   (14 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Exhimusic (web)

Corriere della Sera   (16 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Corriere Della Sera (web)

La Stampa   (18 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - La Stampa (web)

Exhimusic   (21 apr - web)

The Lunatics exhibitions - ROMA 2018 - Exhimusic (web)
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